James Gosling: idealism, the Internet and Java, Pt I

Sunday 28 January 2018

Java Multi threaded programming basics with Reentrant lock

Java Multi threaded programming basics with Reentrant locks

As we have seen in earlier post that implicit locking mechanism achieved using synchronized keyword slows down the application performance. Hence java concurrency api gives explicit locking mechanism to achieve mutual exclusion among shared object.

How using explicit locks are better than implicit lock?

  • Explicit lock acquires lock per Thread basis and not per method invoke basis. It is inverse in the case of implicit lock.  
  • If a method is synchronized then every invocation of that method involves acquiring and releasing of lock. This process really slows down the application performance. 
  • Hence it is always good idea to prefer reentrent lock or explicit lock to implicit lock.
  • ReentrantLock is a class available in java.util.concurrency package
  • lock() and unlock() methods are used used to acquire and release the lock.
  • Condition class is used in place of Object class wait(), notifyAll() and notify().
  • signal() and await() of Condtion are used mostly 
Let's see the  Java Multi threaded programming basics Producer and Consumer Problem's solution with Reentrent lock.

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

 * In {@code BufferImpl} we have seen thread safe 
 * buffer implementation using implicit lock/ synchronization block
 * This {@code BufferImpl_conc} we see same implementation replacing implicit
 * lock with concurrency utility classes Reentrant Locks
 * Buffer implementation with ArrayList and with Producer consumer 
 * problem implementation
 * @author Nagasharath
public class BufferImpl_conc {

   private CopyOnWriteArrayList<String> buffer;
   private final short SIZE = 10;
   private boolean isBufferFull = false;
   private ReentrantLock lock;
   private Condition condition;

  public BufferImpl_conc() {
     buffer = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>();
     lock = new ReentrantLock();
     condition = lock.newCondition();

  * @throws InterruptedException
 private void producesFeed() throws InterruptedException {
    try {
       while (true) {
         if (isBufferFull) {
             System.out.println("Started Consuming!....\n");
        if (SIZE <= buffer.size()) {
              isBufferFull = true;
              System.out.println("Buffer full. Production halts...\n");
    } finally {

  * @throws InterruptedException
 private void consumesFeed() throws InterruptedException {
    try {
       while (true) {
          Iterator<String> iter = buffer.iterator();
          while (iter.hasNext()) {
             String next = iter.next();
             System.out.println("Consuming element: " + next);
          isBufferFull = false;
          System.out.println("Started producing!....");
   } finally {
  * @author Nagasharath
 class ProducerThread extends Thread {
    public void run() {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

  * @author Nagasharath
 class ConsumerThread extends Thread {
  public void run() {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   BufferImpl_conc impl = new BufferImpl_conc();
   ProducerThread producerThread = impl.new ProducerThread();
   ConsumerThread consumerThread = impl.new ConsumerThread();

Most parts of the program are same as we used in the post Java Multi threaded programming basics It is advised to read my post  Java Multi threaded programming basics before reading this. I try to explain changes from earlier post program here

  1 private final short SIZE = 10;
  2 private boolean isBufferFull = false;
  3 private ReentrantLock lock;
  4 private Condition condition;

Line 3: Instance of ReentrantLock is similar to synchronized keyword locking but it is more intelligent.
Line 4: Condition instance has methods which replaces Object class wait and notify() methods.

  1  public BufferImpl_conc() {
  2     buffer = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>();
  3     lock = new ReentrantLock();
  4     condition = lock.newCondition();
  5  }
Line 3 and Line 4: Instantiates lock and condition Objects

 1 private void producesFeed() throws InterruptedException {
 2   lock.lock();
 3    try {
 4      while (true) {
 5         if (isBufferFull) {
 6             System.out.println("Started Consuming!....\n");
 7             condition.signal();
 8             condition.await();
 9         }
 10         buffer.add(String.valueOf(System.nanoTime()));
 11         if (SIZE <= buffer.size()) {
 12           isBufferFull = true;
 13           Thread.sleep(10000);
 14           System.out.println("Buffer full. Production halts...\n");
 15         }
 16       }
 17     } finally {
 18          lock.unlock();
 19     }
 20 }
Line 1: await() at line 8 throws InterruptedException
Line 2: lock.lock() statement is equal to the synchronized(this)  {  . . .  }
Line 7: condition.signal() notifies the waiting thread on same object to start it's execution
Line 8: condition.await() makes current thread to wait on isBufferFull == true condition check
Line 17 to Line 19: lock.unlock() must be called in finally block always


Buffer full. Production halts...

Started Consuming!....

Consuming element: 2838231927112595
Consuming element: 2838231927212435
Consuming element: 2838231927229502
Consuming element: 2838231927238888
Consuming element: 2838231927246995
Consuming element: 2838231927254675
Consuming element: 2838231927261075
Consuming element: 2838231927267902
Consuming element: 2838231927274302
Consuming element: 2838231927281555
Started producing!....
Buffer full. Production halts...

Started Consuming!....

Consuming element: 2838242029132348
Consuming element: 2838242029210428
Consuming element: 2838242029244561
Consuming element: 2838242029271015
Consuming element: 2838242029386215
Consuming element: 2838242029448935
Consuming element: 2838242029479228
Consuming element: 2838242029504401
Consuming element: 2838242029529148
Consuming element: 2838242029553895
Started producing!....
Buffer full. Production halts...

Started Consuming!....

Consuming element: 2838252029524881
Consuming element: 2838252029547921
Consuming element: 2838252029556881
Consuming element: 2838252029563281
Consuming element: 2838252029568401
Consuming element: 2838252029573521
Consuming element: 2838252029578215
Consuming element: 2838252029582908
Consuming element: 2838252029588028
Consuming element: 2838252029593148
Started producing!....
Buffer full. Production halts...

Started Consuming!....

Consuming element: 2838262032106639
Consuming element: 2838262032149732
Consuming element: 2838262032165092
Consuming element: 2838262032193252
Consuming element: 2838262032204772
Consuming element: 2838262032214585
Consuming element: 2838262032223972
Consuming element: 2838262032233359
Consuming element: 2838262032241892
Consuming element: 2838262032251279
Started producing!....
Buffer full. Production halts...

Started Consuming!....

Consuming element: 2838272040024285
Consuming element: 2838272040065245
Consuming element: 2838272040077619
Consuming element: 2838272040086152
Consuming element: 2838272040093832
Consuming element: 2838272040101512
Consuming element: 2838272040108766
Consuming element: 2838272040115592
Consuming element: 2838272040122845
Consuming element: 2838272040130099
Started producing!....


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